Dollar-per-gigabyte iPhone Price Comparison

September 12th, 2019 No comments
Categories: iPhone

Antebellum Rhetoric

August 30th, 2019 No comments
Eve Fairbanks excellent essay in The Washington Post on how so-called reasonable conservatives wrap themselves in the same rhetoric used by defenders of the Confederacy before, during and after the US Civil War:

Principles like freedom and equality have functioned, through time, as the American immune system, warding off sickness. But they can also be co-opted. As they were more than 150 years ago, ideas like freedom of speech, diversity and respect are now being used to turn opponents of conservatism into helpless hosts, transmitting its ideas.

Categories: politics

Check your Mac for the Zoom Video Conferencing Vulnerability

July 10th, 2019 No comments

UPDATE 2019-07-11: Apple has confirmed they pushed out a “silent update” to remove the offending Zoom server on Macs, the same method they use to deal with malware—no user interaction needed.

I’ll leave my original post in place, but there is no need to follow the manual removal steps detailed below, thanks to Apple taking the unusual step of treating commercial software in use by millions as malware.

Read more…

Categories: Macintosh, security, software

National Geographic 125th Anniversary Issue

September 28th, 2013 No comments

Translators Are a Waste of Space

September 18th, 2013 No comments
Categories: culture, language, Norway

Leon in “Hell On Wheels” this Saturday

August 7th, 2013 No comments
My brother Leon has a role in the third season of Hell On Wheels, a western-genre TV series premiering this Saturday, August 10th at 9:00 PM on AMC.

For those of us without US cable TV service, the show can be purchased on iTunes:

US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store

Scene of cavalry fording river from Hell On Wheels Season 3 promotional video.

Scene of cavalry fording river from Hell On Wheels Season 3 promotional video.

Categories: Uncategorized

World Snow & Ice Cover Map

January 22nd, 2013 No comments
Categories: environment, geospatial

The Island Where People Forget to Die

October 27th, 2012 No comments
Photo of a town on the Greek island of IkariaDan Beuttner for the New York Times Magazine writes about a particularly healthy lifestyle on  an isolated Greek island:

Pointing across the Aegean toward the neighboring island of Samos, he said: “Just 15 kilometers over there is a completely different world. There they are much more developed. There are high-rises and resorts and homes worth a million euros. In Samos, they care about money. Here, we don’t. For the many religious and cultural holidays, people pool their money and buy food and wine. If there is money left over, they give it to the poor. It’s not a ‘me’ place. It’s an ‘us’ place.”

The island is named after Icarus, the mythical flier whose foolish ambition led to an early demise. The inhabitants of Ikaria appear to have taken the lesson to heart.

The Bus Driver is Cool

October 3rd, 2012 No comments
Categories: Uncategorized

Jean-Louis Gassée on whether Apple ever invented anything

September 5th, 2012 No comments

For thirty years, the industry had tried to create a tablet, and it had tried too hard. The devices kept clotting, one after the other. Alan Kay’s Dynabook, Go, Eo, GridPad, various Microsoft-powered Tablet PCs, even Apple’s Newton in the early nineties….they didn’t congeal, nothing took.

The more effortless the results seem to be, the increased likelihood that those responsible put uniquely competent effort into the achievement.

Categories: computer, design, software